AmpRocks 2021

Ampthill Great Park

Ampthill Great Park, Woburn Street, Ampthill, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom


Event details

Ours is a Festival forged from a spirit of joy, pride and togetherness. It’s everything that makes Ampthill a great place to live.

The whole of Ampthill - and much further afield - knows Ampthill Festival is now renowned for its Annual Summer Festival with the amazing AmpRocks on the Friday night, Classic Proms and fabulous fireworks in Ampthill Park on the Saturday, the whole weekend ending with our Town Procession on Sunday and the fun-for-all the family Gala Day.

What many may not know is that a small and dedicated band of volunteers are also working the whole year round organising a myriad of fun and entertaining money-raising events to which all are invited! Fun Dog Shows, Quizzes, Wine-tastings, Frog Races, Progressive Suppers, Open Gardens...the list is endless!

These events not only provide a social opportunity for all the Festival Committee and volunteers to get together and just have a brilliant time, they are also open to everyone in our Ampthill Community and raise much-needed money for our Gala Day which is free and open to all. If you would like to join us keep an eye out in the local press, posters and flyers in shops, cafes and pubs, website and Facebook for details.