Rave Kidz - Birmingham


Rosies Birmingham

259-262 Broad St, Birmingham, United Kingdom


Rosies Birmingham is situated on the bustling Broad street in Birmingham city centre and is a popular spot for both locals and visitors. It has 4 floors, which offer a variety of entertainment options for all occasions. The first floor is a bar and lounge with a sophisticated dining area for those looking for an intimate meal. On the second floor, there is an impressive dance floor and live DJs playing the latest tunes until late. The third floor is a terrace area where guests can experience the buzzing atmosphere of the city. The fourth floor is a newly opened rooftop, with stunning views of the city skyline. Here, guests can relax and take in the views with a delicious cocktail or two. Rosies Birmingham prides itself on its inclusiveness and friendly atmosphere, so no matter who you are or what you’re looking for, there is something for everyone.

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