Dodges Ferry Hotel

519 Old Forcett Road, Dodges Ferry, Hobart, Australia



Upcoming parties at Dodges Ferry Hotel

25 May: The Australian Van Morrison Show feat The Australian Van Morrison Show

11 August: Elvis by Anthony Petrucci feat Anthony Petrucci

30 November: High Voltage feat High Voltage

5 January: Ross Wilson feat Ross Wilson

Past parties at Dodges Ferry Hotel

28 April: Blues Brothers Revival Band feat

7 April: Dragon 50th Anniversary feat Dragon

23 February: Creedence - The John Fogerty Show 10th Anniversary Tour feat Creedence - The John Fogerty Show

20 January: CUNNING STUNTS - A Tribute To Metallica feat

19 November: Guts Touring: Dodges Ferry | Featuring The Grogans, Teen Jesus & The Jean Teasers and Denni feat The Grogans

29 October: Bon Jovi Forever feat BON JOVI FOREVER

16 October: The Bad Dad Orchestra feat

31 July: Russell Morris feat Russell Morris