Koala Tavern

36-40 Moreton Bay Road, Capalaba, Brisbane, Australia



Upcoming parties at Koala Tavern

17 May: Ash Grunwald feat

18 May: Nu Metal Masters - Limp Bizkit & Linkin Park Tribute night feat Nu Metal Masters

28 June: Royale With Cheese - The Ultimate 90's Rock Show feat

27 July: Creedence - The John Fogerty Show 10th Anniversary Tour feat

17 August: Bon But Not Forgotten feat

7 February: Brooke McClymont & Adam Eckersley feat Brooke McClymont & Adam Eckersley, Adam Eckerlsey

Past parties at Koala Tavern

4 May: DJ NOIZ live in Redlands, QLD feat

6 April: The Black Sorrows feat

16 March: The Southern River Band feat

9 March: Bob Marley Tribute feat

23 February: Fresh Fridays feat

16 February: Fresh Fridays feat

15 February: Hops and Harmony feat Hops and Harmony

9 February: Fresh Fridays feat

2 February: Fresh Fridays feat

26 January: Fresh Fridays feat