The Buttermarket

Howard Street, Shrewsbury, Birmingham, United Kingdom



Upcoming parties at The Buttermarket

Past parties at The Buttermarket

4 February: Martin Kemp: The Ultimate Back to the 80's Dj Set feat Martin Kemp

28 October: Bon Giovi Live - The World's Premier Tribute to Bon Jovi - Live feat

14 October: Frankie Allen LIVE - Shrewsbury feat Frankie Allen

1 October: Wrest + Support feat Wrest

29 September: Hunting killers feat

9 September: Born on Road Shrewsbury feat Phibes, Aries, Navigator, Dj Escape

13 May: Subvert & Muzik Hertz Present - Hazardous Material Shrewsbury feat DJ Hazard, Benny L, IC3, Dj Escape

2 April: Subvert Presents Critical Impact, Kenny Ken, Mozey, Exile feat Kenny Ken, EXILE, Critical Impact, Mozey, Dj Escape