The Grand Social

35 Liffey St. Lower, North City, Dublin, Ireland



Upcoming parties at The Grand Social

Past parties at The Grand Social

21 April: Bam Margera live Q & A with Matt Stocks at The Grand Social Dublin feat Bam Margera, DJ Matt Stocks

8 December: Swiftogeddon - The Taylor Swift Club Night feat Swiftogeddon

12 November: Discharge feat Discharge

7 July: Techno Night Party feat

11 February: Swiftogeddon - The Taylor Swift Club Night feat

18 November: Swiftogeddon - The Taylor Swift Club Night feat Swiftogeddon

12 August: Swiftogeddon - The Taylor Swift Club Night feat Swiftogeddon

24 June: CRO-MAGS feat Cro-Mags

14 June: Genesis Owusu feat Genesis Owusu

19 November: Booze And Glory feat Booze and Glory