The Parkway Theater

4814 Chicago Ave, Minneapolis, United States



Upcoming parties at The Parkway Theater

19 May: The Secret Sisters feat The Secret Sisters

Past parties at The Parkway Theater

27 October: John Waters - Devil's Advocate feat

21 October: Martin Zellar "Head West" Album Release with guest Presley Haile feat Martin Zellar

14 July: Kevin James Thornton - It Was The 90s US Tour feat Kevin James Thornton

24 May: Conner O'Malley - Research and Development feat Conner O'Malley

19 May: Ron Pope 2023 Tour with special guest TBA feat Ron Pope

21 April: Jimmy Dore Live! feat Jimmy Dore

17 March: An Evening with Byrne and Kelly feat Byrne and Kelly

16 December: Tina Schlieske & Friends - A Holiday Get-Together feat Tina Schlieske

15 December: Tina Schlieske & Friends - A Holiday Get-Together feat Tina Schlieske

9 December: Dan Cummins - Symphony of Insanity Tour feat Dan Cummins