

Unknown, Мельбурн, Австралия


Это не настоящее место. Это временная точка, точное место будет опубликовано позже

Event details

Last year we invited you to disappear with us. This year, we bring you the second instalment of HOLEANDCORNER; a concept designed with a sole purpose: to give you a taste of something familiar, yet unexpected.

Again, meticulously picked, the line-up aims to create a sound world with neat and sometimes heavy beats laying the foundation for intricate details on top, with the influence of ‘90s house running throughout the day.

In HOLEANDCORNER’s pursuit of rare experiences, it moves to a new bespoke space that will be transformed into the type of visceral, otherworldly urban habitat that made last year’s party so special. HOLEANDCORNER invites you to dive into the unknown as we lead you into uncharted territory. This year’s limited capacity site will be unveiled on November 4th, but we can’t promise tickets won’t be sold out by then. HOLEANDCORNER rewards those willing to make the call on Tuesday 27th of October.

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