Leas Cliff Hall

The Leas, Folkestone, Лондон, Великобритания



Upcoming parties at Leas Cliff Hall

26 июня: Jools Holland and his Rhythm and Blues Orchestra feat Jools Holland and His Rhythm and Blues Orchestra

Past parties at Leas Cliff Hall

11 мая: Rhod Gilbert & The Giant Grapefruit feat Rhod Gilbert

5 апреля: The Illegal Eagles feat THE ILLEGAL EAGLES

26 марта: Professor Brian Cox - Horizons: A 21st Century Space Odyssey feat Professor Brian Cox

9 марта: Northern Live - Do I Love You feat Northern Live

13 февраля: The Vaccines feat The Vaccines, Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers

25 июля: Morrissey feat Morrissey

9 марта: Roy "Chubby" Brown feat Roy Chubby Brown